by famous and new authors from all over the world
Litarea offers works that cannot be found elsewhere. Even famous books that are already in print appear on our site in a new, extended or special edition format, made exclusively for Litarea.
At Litarea we do not offer well-known classics, we seek to create new classics. We give a chance to the authors living today to make their mark. Whose work deserves to live on is your choice.
Litarea opens its platform to all comers, because we want our readers – not a few select publishers – to decide whether a book deserves attention or not. Our editorial board is you.
your text, your audience, your price
A writer can start earning money as soon as they deem the manuscript ready. Publishing on Litarea is as easy as sending an email. After that, you have the option via our platform to find and collaborate with an editor, a proofreader or an illustrator to make the text even better.
Your book may be aimed at mass market or a niche circle. Either way, you have the choice to set the price that best reflects your work. Litarea only adds a small, fixed fee on top.
Litarea is changing the way books are translated to other languages. Our platform allows translators to reach you and offer to bring your text into their language domain. The choice and number of foreign language versions is based on your demand.
share your thoughts on the book with the author, with your friends, or with the whole world
Litarea protects the interests of both readers and authors. One can read books for free if you pick the ad-supported version that funnels advertising revenue to authors. Or, pay the asking price and read without distraction.
Readers make comments on the entire book and on a specific paragraph. The comments can be made visible to the author, to your friends or to all readers of the book. A heated debate on the merits of a particular passage is only welcome.
Litarea wants readers to feel that they own the book just as much as if they had the physical copy. In this sense, feel free to lend access to your purchase to a friend. Once they return it, you are free to read it once more.
assist writers in making their books a bestseller and share in its success
Are you god’s gift to editing? Then come to Litarea and offer your services to the writers you like to help develop their manuscript to the level of masterpiece. Make the book a best-seller and share in the income.
If you are bilingual or a trained translator, you can find the best talent in other countries and offer to bring them to your native audience. Offer authors a chance to be read in your home country and share in the profit from sales of the book.
Books with illustrations are always more attractive. Find the books you love the most and offer their authors to make an illustrated version. Together you could create a new bestseller and share in the fame and profit.